Hi! Mateusz here.

Frontend Developer working remotely from Poland, WrocΕ‚aw.

Even though I wrote my first "Hello World" somewhere around 2019/2020, it all started long time ago around 2014 in the game called World of Warcraft, where I met 3 guys who after few years, started pushing me to check this thing called Javascript. Later on they kept on pushing me to not leave it and keep grinding.

In 2021, I decided to switch my carrer path, and after a bit over a year of commitment and hard work, it paid off, and I landed my first commercial job as a Frontend Developer.

My main goal is to always create pixel perfect, engaging and accessible experience, wheter it's a private or commercial project.

A bit about me


Back in 2021 I decided to give programming a shot. I can honestly say that it was hell of a ride tumbling head first into a rabbit hole called Frontend Development. Since then I stared my first commercial work, gained tons of knowledge and learned a lot, however I know it's just a beginning.

Screen with some code


Now I have about 2.5 years of commercial experience in which I've been mainly focused on working with React, Typescript, CSS. In this time I also learned a lot oustide of my commercial work, doing side projects with technologies like Next.js, Tailwind, Supabase, Firebase, various types of APIs and many more

Opened laptop with some code

Free time

Outside of my work time I enjoy good coffee, tea. You can also find me ice skating durning winter, roller skating durning summer, occasionally hiking or doing something I fell in love with last year, baking.

author on top of a mountain durning winter

Baking, dogs, music

Guess I fell in love with baking because simillar as in programming you can create something from almost nothing and you're able to see the growth and development of your project wheter it's a cake or appliaction. Other than that I really love metalcore and dogs. Actually planning on getting/adopting one myself this year. Pictured my friend's dog, Bafi <3

cutest puppy face you've ever seen

Fancy something sweet?

Fancy something sweet?

raspberry, blueberry bun
raspberry cloud
blueberry cheesecake
cinnamon rolls
blueberry filled bun

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